When formulating the treatment plan, aesthetic and anatomical peculiarities of the patient, and the individual nature of the aging processes have to be taken into account
. The key problem zones of the face are very individual by nature but the most commonly encountered in the upper face are horizontal and glabellar lines, lowered eyebrows, crow’s feet lines, changes of volume in the temporal and forehead areas, and age related changes at the periorbital area. The most commonly performed treatments for the upper face are injections of botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid fillers (HA fillers), When a patient presents with not one but several areas that need correction, the treatment should begin with the upper face. As we are changing the anatomy of the upper face of course that then changes the anatomy of the lower face. Sometimes volumizing certain areas in the upper area result in such a lift, so further volumization of the lower face may not even be necessary, or at least minimized.